Salt is the basis of our lives

More than 250 million years ago, the Earth's crust shifted. This caused elevations known as ridges to form. Lagoons formed behind them, and mineral-rich primeval seawater flowed into them.

The salt water evaporated due to strong solar radiation. Limestone, gypsum, rock salt, potash and magnesium salts were successively deposited in their solubility. The thick salt layers are between 35 and 200 meters wide, depending on the location.

Over millions of years, seawater repeatedly flooded and evaporated into the lagoon. Wind blew sand, soil, and rock across the area, creating deposits covering the salt in protective layers. To this day, the salt remains in its original, pure form at depths of up to 1,000 meters below the Earth's surface. Completely protected from harmful environmental influences, it is the perfect mineral for the production of high-quality food.
Salt is the basis of our lives

Our rock salt is one of the most sustainably produced salts in Europe. It comes from deep salt deposits in Germany that were formed some 250 million years ago. It is mined from the earth and is characterized by its high purity and unadulterated nature. This natural product is protected from external environmental influences such as microplastics by being stored in salt domes at depths of 400 to 750 meters. After being extracted from underground, the valuable raw material is simply cleaned, ground and, if desired, mixed with a separating agent or iodine, and can be used directly. It is 99% sodium chloride. The rest is made up of essential minerals such as magnesium and calcium. Visible in the salt as gray to dark gray particles, they are proof of the originality of our product.
Our rock salt requires no water in the production process and is therefore much more energy efficient. This makes Nutriks Prime a quality product with a high price advantage. The salt of the ancient seas impresses with its excellent taste and its pure white and crystalline structure.
Salt is the basis of our lives

Our vacuum salt is obtained from brine or rock salt. It is refined through a crystallization process with a particularly pure and original brine. This is how we achieve the high purity of at least 99.8% sodium chloride. Our evaporated salt is therefore fully soluble and meets the high quality standards of the food industry.
Salt is the basis of our lives

The potash deposits in Germany were formed about 250 million years ago by the evaporation of the Zechstein Sea. Our potassium chloride, like our other minerals, comes from natural sources. Potassium minerals are mined at depths of about 400-1200 meters and brought to the surface. The crude salt is then finely ground and the potassium chloride is separated from the secondary minerals by a hot dissolution process and refined by recrystallization to a high-purity product that meets food quality standards. NUTRIKS KaliSel is produced according to international quality standards and is supplied to the food industry worldwide.
Salt is the basis of our lives

Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate (MgSO₄ × 7H₂O), also known as Epsom salt, is obtained from crude salt mined from natural sources in our mines in Germany. The kieserite contained in the crude salt is isolated and upgraded to food grade Epsom salt by recrystallization. Due to its low content of secondary salts, it is ideally suited for use in the food industry and complies with the Food Chemicals Codex (FCC).